As-Built Documentation
As-Built Documentation: Capturing the Realities of Construction for Accurate Project Records and Future Maintenance.
Your one-stop solution for as-built outsourcing, DevelopCAD offers premium as-built drawing services for surveys and reviews of existing building structures. In addition to as-built drawing specialists, we also handle building remodeling and restoration tasks. Our as-built drafting services are ideal for a variety of services and cover architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and HVAC projects.
Our as-built documentation in Computer-Aided Design (CAD) refers to drawings that precisely indicate the final state or situation of a built structure or facility. These as-built record drawing services are produced after construction is finished, including any adjustments or variances from the original design that happened during the construction process.
In our as-built drawing documentation services, surveyors or professionals gather data on-site to capture the precise dimensions, locations, and configurations of components within the constructed facility.
As-built drawings are frequently compared or overlaid with the original design drawings to call attention to discrepancies. This informed judgment for upcoming renovations or alterations is aided by this understanding of the variables. As-built drawings incorporate specifics about the location and configuration of utilities such as electrical lighting fixtures, equipment, plumbing fixtures and equipment, HVAC systems, and other infrastructure elements. This information is important for maintenance and future renovations.
DevelopCAD is a professional as-built specialist. We use advanced technology, incorporating laser scanning and Building Information Modeling (BIM), which have improved the accuracy and productivity of capturing as-built data. This scan to BIM technology helps for a more in-depth and full representation of the built environment.
In our as-built drafting consultancy, we have a highly trained and professional team of designers and CAD specialists with extensive experience and expertise in creating quantitative and high-level drawings and designs that result in dependable CAD as-built drawings. We, professional as-built drawing specialists, specialize in transforming any form of as-built drawing into .dgn and .dwg files. Our as-built drawing conversion services are accurate and comprehensive, which is crucial for maintaining and managing built assets effectively.
For more information on our as-built drawing services, write to us at

Thank you for providing the final coordination files and sheeted-up drawings in such a short timeframe. We had already commenced the construction phase, and it would have been a great loss if the areas had not been coordinated.

Our team can confirm that the final issue of Site Views A, B, and C meets our required standards for layout, resolution, and quality.

Impressive work! The drafts are good and match our company standards. We are comfortable outsourcing all of our future CAD requirements to DevelopCAD.

The BIM model that was submitted for our commercial project was fantastic. My team is currently reviewing the bill of quantities that was also submitted, and we are pleased to inform you that we approve of the work that was done. We are looking forward to moving ahead with the project and hope that it will be as smooth and efficient as the previous one.